Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.

Our Values

As a Church of England school, we keep Christian values at the heart of what we do.

Every half term, we learn about a different Christian value. We use Roots and Fruits as a Christian Collective Worship resource over a two year period.  Rooted in Bible teaching there are 12 Christian Values which we focus on one per half term. The values link with the season of the Church year. 

We think about these values as part of our daily worship, where we reflect upon the teachings of Jesus. We also try hard to achieve these values both at home and in school.


Our Worship Board

We have a working wall in our school hall where we record any ideas or thinking from our worship. This provides opportunities for reflection throughout the school day as we can all refer to it. 

Our Worship Book

We have a Worship Book where we record adult and child responses. This helps us to evaluate the impact of worship. 

Reflection areas

Every class in school has their own reflection area. We can come here to think about our value and write or draw our ideas, to look at a Bible, or to have some quiet reflection.

Stars of the Week

Each week, teachers nominate one child from their class who has lived out our Christian Vision and values. The children’s pictures are then displayed in the hall, and certificates are sent home.


Stars of the Term

At the end of each term a child is nominated from each class who has consistently shown our Christian vision and values. They are awarded a 'golden star pin' to symbolise that they are 'Shining as a Light in the World'.