Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.


Primary school policies serve several essential purposes to ensure the effective and smooth functioning of the school. Their primary aims include guiding decision making, ensuring compliance and accountability; promoting consistency, inclusivity and equality; and facilitating continuous improvement. In essence, primary school policies are vital tools for creating a structured, supportive, and effective educational environment that prioritises the needs and rights of all stakeholders.


As a Trust school, we use Trust Policies. Below are a list of essential policies, plus our school specific handbooks. Please visit: for access to all policies. 

PQ Essential Policies:


Charging and remissions

Remote Education Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Data Protection Policy

Behaviour Policy

Antibullying Policy

School Specific Handbooks:

Behaviour Handbook

Safeguarding Handbook

EYFS Policy